
Friday Feb 21, 2025
Friday Feb 21, 2025
In this brief episode we cover:
- Why are your groceries more expensive?
- The upcoming WA State Election (If you can't stand politics, please listen to this episode!)
- Voter Apathy - why some people are not voting, and why that's a problem.
- How to make your vote count
And very importantly, an exciting announcement about new video content that is about to go up!(Jump to the last 4 minutes to hear about those)
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Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Tiff Davey joins us on Station 707 for a fact-based update on why the Live Export Industry is alive and strong!
How does Tiff know?
When she's not helping out The Livestock Collective, Keep the Sheep, or managing her Wheatbelt based pasture-raised egg business, Tiffany is on board the live export vessels, ensuring the sheep are well taken care of from paddock to port to processing.
Tiff shares with us her most recent voyage to Kuwait, how the demand for LIVE sheep is as strong, and as necessary as ever, what the campaigns are achieving here at home, and she dispels some of the propaganda and myths that are currently doing the rounds.
If you know of anyone who is on the fence over this issue, or opposed but open to learning, get them to listen to what Tiff has to say in this episode, as having been involved for years and recently back from a voyage, she has definitely got the social license, and the first-hand and current experience to speak on the matter.
And if they are still in doubt, head to The Livestock Collective or Keep the Sheep websites below, where everything factual and truthful is explained, and on display.
Keep the Sheep: https://www.keepthesheep.com.au/
The Livestock Collective: https://www.thelivestockcollective.com.au/
Instagram: @daveytiff https://www.instagram.com/daveytiff/
Pasture-raised Eggs: @berekeeeggs https://www.instagram.com/berekeeeggs/
707 Links:
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Thursday Feb 06, 2025
Thursday Feb 06, 2025
Our guest today on Station 707, is none other than Shorty The Butcher.
Shorty's been a butcher a long time, and his career has spanned many different workplaces and environments. This variety has given him a keen insight and perspective on not just butchering, but farming, animal husbandry, rural living, policies and more.
Listen in as Shorty and I chew the fat on a number of current issues, discuss animal raising and butchering practices, and also talk about what's next for Shorty The Butcher, which is a very exciting offering where he will be teaching you how to trim the fat from the comfort of your own home, and much more besides!
You can join the waitlist here: https://linktr.ee/shortythebutcher
Check out the website here: https://soiltosoul.life/
Socials: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shortythebutcher Instagram: shorty_the_butcher Australian Self Sustainable Living FB public group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/583228281168761
707 Links:
Instagram: station707podcast Facebook: Station 707 Podcast Email: tom.station707@gmail.com
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Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Welcome back to 707!
It seems appropriate that in 2025 we are starting off with episode #25, and joining me today is Dr. Andrew Smith, of Ascension Chiropractic.
Andrew is passionate about his work, continuously pursuing a greater understanding of overall health and how chiropractic care plays a vital role therein.
Having travelled and worked overseas in multiple countries, he brings a wealth of experience and well-rounded knowledge to our conversation as we discuss the varying impacts on our health today, especially our children's health, and the vital importance of incorporating a whole-of-body-and-mind approach to health care.
I make a reference to a report I came across which is titled, "Global Food Security Index" from 2022, which has Australia listed as 22nd in the world for quality and safety. It's quite an interesting read, the link for that is here:https://impact.economist.com/sustainability/project/food-security-index/
Ascension Chiropractic Website: https://www.ascensionchiropractic.com.au/
707 Links:
Instagram: station707podcast Facebook: Station 707 Podcast Email: tom.station707@gmail.com
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Friday Dec 06, 2024
Friday Dec 06, 2024
Today we're catching up with Bevan Steele (Steelo) from Steelo's Guns and Outdoors in Narrogin, W.A.
We talk about the current firearm reforms and some of the complications that have come up, how it's affecting business and regular, good, honest people who hold a license; politics, voting and more.
The State Government are not being overly cooperative or communicative with people representing the firearms industry and community, like Steelo, and that's something that is good to be aware of, because you'll often hear ministers using the phrase, "We've consulted with industry"... And now you know what that's worth.
707 Links:
Instagram: station707podcast Facebook: Station 707 Podcast Email: tom.station707@gmail.com
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Friday Nov 29, 2024
Friday Nov 29, 2024
Today we catch up again with Lara Jensen, who joined us for Episode 6: The Value of a Life.
Lara shares some updates on what's been happening since we last spoke, including some great endorsements to the cause, and also some political movements.
Lara has been tireless in her efforts for over 20 years now, and it's just unconscionable that reforms have not yet taken place. There are State and Federal elections coming up in Australia next year, and there's no better time to let the various political parties know what you think about this particular issue, and any others that are present in your mind.
707 Links:
Instagram: station707podcast Facebook: Station 707 Podcast Email: tom.station707@gmail.com
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Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Shem, otherwise recognizable as the living embodiment of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, joins us today to tell us some stories about the work he's done since we graduated from theatre school together.
Music videos, stunt performing, cruise ships, children's entertainer...the list goes on!
As the title suggests, we were both from unusual backgrounds to be getting into musical theatre, but that's exactly how and where we met. It's been 10 years since we graduated, so a catch up was well overdue!
Our final production. Shem (left) and Tom (right)
Note* This is the very first episode that was recorded for Station 707, we recorded it some months back.
707 Links:
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Saturday Nov 16, 2024
Saturday Nov 16, 2024
Zen Honeycutt is the founder and director of Moms Across America, and she kindly joins me as my first international guest for this episode.
One of the listeners brought my attention to a report by Moms Across America, which was around the testing of gluten-free products to see how much gluten and/or toxins were present. That article is here: https://www.momsacrossamerica.com/gluten_free_food_test_results
It's well documented that chemicals, plastics and other toxins are responsible for an entire host of health issues, but rarely is it traced back to food, and rarer still is it circulated and spoken about.
As Zen explains in this episode, it's usually the mothers ('Moms' for our US readers!) who figure out these problems, and then push to find answers.
This is only one small part of other, broader conversations that need to be had around agri-culture in regards to soil/plant/animal/food/human health (episode 17 and 19 for related listening), but the more we learn and understand, the better equipped we are to make decisions on what we buy, how it's grown, and what kind of health we are willing to settle for, and secure for our kids, and theirs.
707 Links:
Instagram: station707podcast Facebook: Station 707 Podcast Email: tom.station707@gmail.com
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Saturday Nov 02, 2024
Saturday Nov 02, 2024
Boyup Brook, in the South West Region of WA, recently held a Nationals Party meeting where Labor's zealous and over-reaching firearms reforms were discussed.
If you're not aware of the situation, essentially, Labor are using their abundant balance of power to push through reforms which do nothing to target illegal firearms or criminals, but instead goes after law-abiding gun owners who use firearms for work, sport, or recreation.
In some cases, 100 + year old family heirloom firearms, handed down through the generations, are being seized and or destroyed for no good reason.
The narrative of getting guns off the streets has come at a high cost, both to the taxpayer who is funding the media stunts pulled by the current Labor government, and also to the individual firearms owners who have had their personal information dangerously shared, characters attacked, and licenses threatened.
Peter Rundle, Nationals Member for Roe joins me for a quick overview of the meeting that was held in Boyup Brook.
707 Links:
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Thursday Oct 24, 2024
Thursday Oct 24, 2024
As the title suggests, this conversation with Matthew Evans - Food critic, chef, author, farmer, TV series host and more, covers a lot topics.
I recently attended a talk by Matthew on Milk, his latest release, as he was touring WA and discussing his findings whilst researching for the book. Here's what it looks like if you're interested in getting a copy, which I highly recommend.
We discuss various farming practices, positives and negatives of the food industry, eating seasonally, milk, and importantly, what the best thing is to grow if you only have room for a few plants!
Matthew Evans Links:
707 Links:
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Monday Oct 14, 2024
Monday Oct 14, 2024
At a request from several listeners, and out of an abundance of interest in the subject, it's time to talk about renewable energy. Alex Nichol joins me for the conversation today.
We did discuss this topic in episode #3, with Emily from Colbinabbin in Victoria, regarding the proposed solar plant lined up to go in on their prime agricultural region.
Today, we talk about the plans and proposals here in WA, and what we can learn from people's lived experience over East, and around the world.
It's impossible to summarise such a big topic, but the thing I find most interesting, and it's not discussed in this episode, is the socially accepted parameters; the pre-conceived notion that you are either for, or against, renewables. You are either for, or against, coal. You either believe, or deny, climate change.
When we talk about for/against and believe/deny in this way, we are now talking more about ideology, not science, or facts.
It is possible to simply ignore truth, in the form of people's lived experiences, but that doesn't make it, or us, right in doing so.
Instagram: station707podcast Facebook: Station 707 Podcast Email: tom.station707@gmail.com
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Monday Oct 07, 2024
Monday Oct 07, 2024
Emma-Kate Rose is the program director of Food Connect Foundation, based in Queensland, Australia.
For 18 years, Food Connect operated as a social enterprise, directly connecting farmers/growers with consumers in Brisbane.
Essentially, farmers within 5 hours of Brisbane would grow and deliver their goods to a central warehouse/homestead in the suburbs, where it would be packed into pre-purchased boxes and delivered to 70 different pick-up locations around Brisbane, such as homes, churches, or schools.
The effects were remarkable, two of the standout ones being that the food miles averaged 140km compared to the national average of 1,200km, and that farmers were rewarded far more cents in the dollar than they would be had they sold at the supermarkets. The health, networking and community benefits were also substantial.
If you want to eat healthier food and be more connected with your farmers, and farmers more connected with consumers, then the way we buy and sell needs to change, and our thinking needs to shift.
This model is an excellent case study of what worked, how it worked, and where the challenges lay.
Food Connect Foundation:
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Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Ever had a great belt that lasted a really long time?
Or maybe a belt that only lasted 3 occasions before cracking/flaking?
Aaron from Anvil Hide, home of Australia's best, handmade leather products, joins us today to talk all things leather, including the different grades, tanneries, and even a bit about 'vegan leather' belts...you'll never guess what they're made of!
Anvil Hide belts come with a 7-year guarantee, and I believe there's even a new belt with a 100-year guarantee!
Support Aussie made and small businesses, and if you're in the market for a new belt, check out Anvil Hide.
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Saturday Sep 21, 2024
Saturday Sep 21, 2024
Paddock to plate is a common way to describe the process of farmers selling their products direct-to-consumer.
In the case of Tingle Ridge Farm and many other farms, this involves sending their pasture-raised lambs to the nearest abattoir for processing (custom kill in this instance, where it's only a small number for an individual business), and then they receive the carcass back and have it packed by a local butcher, ready to be delivered by the farmers themselves, straight to the consumer.
It's a great system, and one that is growing in popularity with both growers and consumers for a number of reasons.
Just over a week ago, the only abattoir in the South West Region that is capable of custom kills, which these farmers (some for more than 15 years) have been using so they can sell their meat directly, ended this service.
The repercussions are enormous, and very debilitating.
Patrick and Chloe join me to explain the situation, and what's happening on the ground at the moment.
Tingle Ridge Farm:https://www.tingleridgefarm.com.au/ https://www.facebook.com/tingleridgefarm https://www.instagram.com/tingleridgefarm/
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Monday Sep 16, 2024
Monday Sep 16, 2024
Studying liberal arts, whilst also learning how to make cheese, grow vegetables and cure jerky, is not something that most training organisations offer...unless it's Augustine Academy.
Founded by Ben McCabe, who was home-schooled and farm-raised in Boddington WA, the academy is situated in Fitzroy Falls NSW and offers a 1-year course of study that challenges students in a way that simply does not exist in the mainstream education system.
History, literature, philosophy, theology, drama and debating, and a hefty dose of agriculture and nature, combine to offer students a single year that can assist them in shaping every year that comes after.
Online courses are also available, and you can find out more about the academy here: https://www.augustineacademy.com.au/index.html
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